Order to Cash Clerk with Finnish and/or Swedish

Click here for more information and application

This will be your future team

You will become a part of a large group of interesting and open minded people with diverse backgrounds and experience. The environment here is very cosmopolitan your colleagues will be from all over the globe Our Accenture world is full of changes and new things, so we are always ready to support our colleagues when needed our open office space makes this communication much easier and efficient. We need to be able to adapt to unexpected situations, which can be a challenge Yet, it is precisely this adaptability that gives us an opportunity to develop and makes our life here more exciting.

This will be your future role

Order to Cash is a business process in which our clients receive payments for the goods services they offer. It starts with order entry and ends with the payment for the order. You will be supporting our clients in various aspects of this complex process. Part of this will be communication with our clients, and your colleagues in Prague and other Accenture locations. You will perform activities such as

  • name and address changes
  • invoice processing
  • payment tracking
  • solving issues using your language skills

You will learn to analyze accounts to be able to identify double payments, raise a refund or initiate a credit debit process. As a part of your daily activities, you will also be responsible for various reporting and analyses, like billing controls, where you can apply analytical thinking and individual judgement. You will get an opportunity to improve your knowledge of PC tools and learn operating new applications used in the corporate world SAP, Oracle .

This is what you already have

  • You enjoy communicating in foreign languages
  • You have at least basic knowledge of Excel or MS Office package
  • You are happy when things are in order
  • You enjoy getting to the core of issues
  • Finance and accounting is a field that you would like to go deeper into

Rovné pracovní příležitosti

Všechna rozhodnutí týkající se zaměstnání jsou činěna bez ohledu na věk, rasu, vyznání, barvu kůže, náboženskou příslušnost, pohlaví, národnost, původ, zdravotní postižení, stav armádního veterána, sexuální orientaci, genderovou identitu nebo vyjádření, genetické informace, rodinný stav, stav občanství, nebo na jakýkoli jiný stav chráněný federálními, státními, nebo místními zákony.

V rámci přijímacího řízení nejsou kandidáti o zaměstnání povinni předkládat zapečetěné nebo vymazané záznamy o odsouzení nebo zatčení.

Společnost Accenture je odhodlána poskytovat pracovní příležitosti veteránům z ozbrojených sil.

Job description and application on Accenture website:


Advertised by: Accenture