The biggest book fair in the Czech Republic will be taking place in June this year. And as has become a tradition, Nordic literature will be present! Since the exhibition grounds are undergoing a reconstruction this year, we will see you in a different location at the back of the building. The small Nordic stand will be marked as number HB002. At the stand, the Nordic embassies in the Czech Republic and the Scandinavian House in Prague will present the newest Czech translations of Nordic books. Of course, there will be an opportunity to buy the said books or obtain some additional materials about Nordic countries and their culture. An autograph session of Sara Blædel will also take place at the stand.
Seven different Nordic female authors will visit the fair this year: Petra Rautiainen, Nina Wähä, Nina F. Grünfeld, Sara Blædel, Susanne Skogstad, Oddný Eir and Yrsa Sigurðardóttir. The first four mentioned are simultaneously the guests of the Nordic literature evening, which will take place on Friday 10th of June from 19.00 in Ateliér Evropa. Susanne Skogstad and Oddný Eir will participate in the Literary marathon organised by Bourdon publishing house.
The Nordic Programme:
THU 9. 6. 16:45 Literary marathon: Susanne Skogstad (Ateliér Evropa)
THU 9. 6. 17:30 Literary marathon: Oddný Eir (Ateliér Evropa)
FRI 10. 6. 14:00 An autograph session of Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (HA205)
FRI 10. 6. 16:00 Grant opportunities for translators incl. Latvia (Professional forum)
FRI 10. 6. 19:00 Nordic literature evening (Ateliér Evropa)
SAT 11. 6. 12:00 A discussion with Sara Blædel and Yrsa Sigurðardóttir (Ateliér Evropa)
SAT 11. 6. 13:00 An autograph session of Sara Blædel (HB002)
SAT 11. 6. 15:00 Translator-redactor picnic (Stromovka park)
SUN 12. 6. 14:00 A discussion with Nina F. Grünfeld (Literary salon)
The programme of the whole fair and other info can be found at

We look forward to seeing you!