Interested in advertising through the Scandinavian House?
Price list:
- Advertisement package for new clients: CZK 40.000 / year
- Advertisement package for current clients or members: CZK 30.000 / year
- Advertisment for 30/60/90 days: CZK 6.000/10.000/12.000
- Header banner: 4000 CZK / month, website banner in the right column: 3000 CZK / month
The advertisement package includes placing an advertisement article on the Czech or English website, both Czech and English version (article or banner on homepage) and promotion through the electronic newsletter (direct mailing to around 1500 subscribers) and social media accounts (one post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram). The advertisement package for the whole year includes placing the company’s logo in the footer area of the website and in the Partners section.
Would you like to become a partner of any particular event or projects? Event sponsorship includes placing your company’s logo on leaflets, posters and website, free tickets for the event, thank you during the opening/closing of the event, placing your roll-up banner and distribution of promotional material on the spot. Contact us for special offer.
Another services available by arrangement; for more information please contact
Michal Švec
(+420) 777 926 331