Travel Evening 2018

The Scandinavian House in cooperation with Travellers​’ ​Club Praha cordially invites you to ​its seventh year of intriguing travel lectures.

Does the Czech winter bore you? Do​ the days seem insufficiently frosty​? Or perhaps you ​simply want to feast your eyes on the view​s​ of the ​Nordic ​wildness safely in your chair​ while enjoying a warm ​cup of tea? Come enjoy the stories of two enthusiastic travellers​ to thaw your post-holiday humdrum!

For the first part of the evening, the Czech geographer Jiří Lehejček will ​regale you ​with stories of​ ​his travels in Greenland and Svalbard​, ​​treating you to ​tales of the​ local people​, their customs and cuisine. In the second part of the evening, ​​Zuzana Vorlíková will ​describe her trips to amazing little towns​ and less known islands ​on the Finnish coastline, ​painting a vivid picture of her time there with interesting cultural and historical information. Both lectures will be accompanied by ​stunning visual​s​ ​to transport you to lands far away without leaving the comfort of your seat.

Due to the limited capacity, we recommend ​booking tickets ​in advance by contacting​ no later than Saturday 3. 2. 2018 9:00 am. (Reservation​s​​ will be ​available ​until ​15 minutes before the first lecture begins​.) ​Payment will be ​received in cash at the event.

Evening ​Programme​: ​

5:30 – 6:45 pm Jiří Lehejček: Greenland and Svalbard – two seasons in Arctica
7:00 – 8:00 pm Zuzana Vorlíková: Finnish coastline

Foto: Jiří Lehejček


Foto: Zuzana Vorlíková