Nordic literary salon online: Publisher’s special

The first literary salon of 2025 will be held in an unconventional spirit – this time, we have invited publishing editors instead of translators and together, we will look back on the Nordic books that have been published in the last year and present books that we can look forward to being published in Czech this year. The hosts will be Lucie Smolka Frühwirtová from Kniha Zlín publishing house, Nikola Kochová from Host publushing house and Hana Zahradníková from Argo publishing house. Moderated by Michal Švec.

You can watch the live stream on Thursday 30. January 2025 from 20:00 on the Scandinavian House Facebook page. The recording will later be made available on our YouTube Channel.

The partner of Nordic literary salon online is Czech Translators of the North – an association that brings together translators of fiction from Northern languages to Czech. The event is part of the Scandinavian House’s year-long project Nordic Literature in the Heart of Europe 2025. It is supported by the City of Prague and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.