Nordic Days 2016 Brno

The Scandinavian House is holding the seventh season of a succesful yearly multi-genre festival Nordic Days in cooperation with the Moravian Library, University Cinema Scala, Nordic sports s.r.o.  and as a part of the literary campaign #ReadNordic. This year the Nordic Days are not held only in Prague, but also in Brno from the 23rd to  the 26th November and this year’s theme is music as a motif in film and literature.

The guest of the festival Nordic Days in Brno is the Norwegian writer Lars Saabye Christensen, the author of the cult novel Beatles and recipient of the Nordic Council Literature Prize. In addition to the discussion with Christensen the programme also includes a lecture about Nordic film, children’s programme and two movie screenings.


23. 11. 18:30 Discussion with the Norwegian author Lars Saabye Christensen (Moravian Library, videoconference hall)
24. 11. 18:30 Screening: Beatles (Cinema Scala, Café Bar)
25. 11. 18:30 Lecture: Contemporary Tendencies in Nordic Film (Cinema Scala, Café Bar) In Czech.
25. 11. 20:30 Screening: Shed No Tears (Cinema Scala, Café Bar)
26. 11. 11:00 – 15:00 Children’s Programme: Nordic Playing (Educational and Sport Centre Maják, Brno-Lesná)

All films are screened in the original sound with Czech subtitles, entrance is 50/40 CZK. (discounted price for the Scandinavian House members)
The discussion will be held in Norwegian and interpreted into Czech, free entrance.
The lecture will be held in Czech, entrance 50/40 CZK. The entrance for the children’s programme is 50 CZK.

Events in Nordic languages:


As a part of the Nordic Days 2016 festival and the literary campaign #Read Nordic The Scandinavian House invites you to the discussion with the Norwegian writer Lars Saabye Christensen, a winner of the Nordic Council’s Literature Prize for his novel The Half Brother (2004). The author is also known as a playwright and a poet. Among his best known works is Beatles, a book that tells a story of a group of boys growing up in Oslo in  the 50s and 60s. This novel was made into a film and the film itself will be screened on 24. 11. 2016 in the University cinema Scala. The debate will focus on the music as well as inspiration of literary topics and will be combined with reading of excerpts from translated novels. The discussion will be interpreted into Czech.

24. 11. 18:30 BEATLES (Norway, 2014, 114 min)

Four teenage boys come of age in Oslo at the time when Beatlemania hit Norway. Kim, Gunnar, Ola and Seb each take on one of the Fab Four’s names and plan to start their own band during a time of great political upheaval. At the same time, they blunder through their formative years in ways all at once endearing, entertaining, and heartbreaking. The boys struggle with archaic textbooks and ancient teachers, attempt to be rebellious, and, of course, discover girls. The time is changing as well as their friendship.
Based on Lars Saabye Christensen’s beloved bestseller of the same title.

25. 11. 20:30 SHED NO TEARS (Sweden, 2013, 119 min)

Pål dreams of success in the world of music but there is an obstacle; himself. His tendency to become lost in deep thought continually lands him in trouble. We follow Pål on a emotional inner-journey to find his calling in Gothenburg, on the west coast of Sweden. This film was inspired by the life of Håkan Hellström, one of the most prominent contemporary Swedish rock stars.


Take the children and let them play Along the Moose Track or spend the Afternoon with Andersen!

The Brno branch of the Scandinavian house together with the Nordic Walking and Running Clinic organise a playful afternoon for families with children in Brno Lesná (in the Educational and Sport Centre Maják, Dusíkova 5/824). For smaller children we will have the game Dream or Andersen, for bigger ones the outdoor tracking game Along the Moose Track. In the game Dream or Andersen children learn about H. C. Andersen, paint a picture, put together a puzzle, or play pairs. With Along the Moose Track they set out for nature and will track a moose in its literary adventures. At the end of each game there will be a small prize for each child.

The festival is taking place in cooperation with the University Cinema Scala and the Moravian Library. The literary events are held as part of the literary campaign #ReadNordic. The festival has been supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and Brno City Hall and is organised in cooperation with the embassies of Nordic countries in Prague and literary foundation NORLA. The screenings are held in cooperation with the Swedish Film Institute and the production company Storm Rosenberg.


Our partners

  • Moravská zemská knihovna
  • Kino Scala
  • Ministerstvo kultury ČR
  • Magistrát města Brna
  • Velvyslanectví Švédska
  • Velvyslanectví Dánska
  • Velvyslanectví Finska
  • Velvyslanectví Norska
  • Švédský institut
  • Švédský filmový institut
  • Storm
  • Nakladatelství Doplněk
  • Nordic Sports
  • Novasol
  • Skandinávská jazyková škola
  • designor



Media partners

  • Tvar
  • Časopis Host
  • iLiteratura
  • Fullmoonzine
  • Nový prostor
  • Červený koberec