Metal festival Tones of Decay

Tones of Decay festival orchestrates music composition to the stench of rotting meat. Ugly melodies celebrating tissue decomposition will resonate in the bowels of the Meetfactory, which is located near the center of the ancient city of Prague. Nine groups of explorers that are all actively dealing with this matter will undergo examination. Many of them are among the best students in the field and follow where the elders are no longer able to fully continue. This convention will also include complete novices who have only recently entered this field with their own instruments and do not even have a full lenght album released. We are excited that we can announce the date of September 17, 2022 to our like-minded friends as the date when the first volume of this one-day Tones of Decay festival will take place. This will be the date when the top of the current oldschool death metal scene will perform. Let’s tune down to the decay!

You can look forward to two Nordic bands:

Tickets can be purchased here, more information on Facebook.