Film Festival Suomi100

This December, Finland will celebrate 100 years of independence. As part of the celebrations, there are various cultural events going on around the world. The Scandinavian House will also take part by organizing a film festival Suomi100, accompanied by several events of a different kind. The festival will take place both in Prague and in Brno.

From 12 to 26 October you will have the opportunity to see a selection iconic Finnish films, milestones of Finnish cinematography. Screenings take place in the Evald Cinema in Prague. All of the selected movies have been among the most popular films in Finland. They also show how the Finnish society and culture have been developing over the time.


12. 10. 19.00 Disciple (Lärjungen/Oppipoika, 2013, 93 min, dir. U. Bengts)
– Finland-Swedish drama about a lighthouse keeper
– in Swedisch, Czech subtitles

16. 10. 19.00 Contemporary Finnish shorts (2011–2014, 109 min)
– the best of the latest short films in selection by the Finnish Film Foundation
– in Finnish and Saame, English and Czech subtitles
– admission free, book your seat in advance online at

17. 10. 19.00 The Earth Is a Sinful Song (Maa on syntinen laulu, 1973, 108 min, dir. R. Mollberg)
– a rough image of Finnish Lapland as described by T. K. Mukka in his novel
– in Finnish, Czech subtitles

20. 10. 20.00 The Unknown Soldier (Tuntematon sotilas, 1955, 181 min, dir. E. Laine)
– the most famous Finnish film of all time
– in Finnish, Czech subtitles

24. 10. 19.00 Skin, skin (Käpy selän alla, 1966, 89 min, dir. M. Niskanen)
– an iconic film of the Finnish New Wave about four students on a holiday
– in Finnish, Czech subtitles

26. 10. 19.00 The Vagabond’s Waltz (Kulkurin valssi, 1941, 93 min, dir. T. Särkkä)
– a classic of the golden era with the script by Mika Waltari
– in Finnish, Czech subtitles

Admission: CZK 120 (Contemporary Finnish shorts for free)
There will be a short introduction about the movie before each screening (in Czech).

All screenings take place in the Evald Cinema, Národní 28, Praha 1.
Ticket reservation at


25. 10. 19.00 Finnish Literary-travelling Evening (Café Liberál, Heřmanova 6, Prague 7), in Czech

20.–30. 10. daily 10-21 Echoes: 100 Years in Finnish Design and Architecture, exhibition (Galerie Mánes, Masarykovo náb. 1, Prague 1)

3. and 5. 10. Eat&Read Finland and A Century of the Finnish Film in Brno

The festival Suomi100 is arranged in cooperation with the Evald Cinema, the distribution company Cinemart, the Finnish National Audiovisual Institute KAVI and the Finnish Embassy in Prague.